GPFCZ “学以致用”是技术发展的永恒归宿


2022 年 09 月

2022 年 04 月


>>>a = '1'>>>print(a)1>>>b = '1'.zfill(2*4)>>>print(b)00000001
import imageio, os, sysdef png_gif(path): png_lst = os.listdir(path) frames = [] for i in png_lst: frames.append(imageio.imread(path +


let's use torch to create first neural network: according we input data to trainning model by itself.import torchfrom torch.nn import functionalfrom m
IssueMaybe after you installed torch, you will found your graphics card can't available on your torch. I guess you must use pip repo or conda repo to
identify verify code imagemachine learnning - identification verify code image - [opencv to identify string, machine learning to identify what string]

2022 年 03 月

When you anxie something you don't have to blame to all something that didn't hit mark befor.See the communication who the be called successed people.


Who said the success has only one type.The succeessed maby have the other type like blck.TRAINSPOTTING.
